- medium: The sign is printed on a metal sign at the entrance of the S.W. King Intermediate School.
- domain: The context of the sign is ‘Ōlelo community media in Kāne’ohe.
- audience: The sign is intended for the people who are driving by the school’s entrance to see and also for the students who are involved or planning on getting involved with ‘Ōlelo.
- function: The sign is trying to inform people where the ‘Ōlelo media takes place on campus and also to inform people who are driving by that the intermediate school is involved with ‘Ōlelo community media.
- language: The language that is more dominant on the sign is English because there is more of it present but there are also a couple Hawaiian words.
The word ‘Ōlelo means “word, language, talk” in Hawaiian.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
- medium: The sign is printed on a metal sign right off the side of the road.
- domain: The context of the sign is that there is an ahupua’a in Kāne’ohe.
- audience: The sign is intended for people who are driving by the sign. It is mainly intended for nonlocals and tourists.
- function: The sign is informing people who are not familiar with the island that an ahupua’a is nearby the area that the sign is located.
- language: The language that is dominant on this sign is Hawaiian.
The word ahupua’a is a Hawaiian term for a large traditional socioeconomic, geologic, and climatic subdivision of land.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
EL-S Domain: Pearlridge Center downtown
This is to help difference the diffferent sides of the mall, one is the plantation while to other isn’t.
Audience: Customers that are walking in, and wanting to go to the other part of the mall.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
EL-S Domain : Downtown Pearlridge Center
Audience: Its to help catch the others eyes, and see if there anything that local people might get or non-locals. Mostly to help bring in customers.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
EL-S Domain: Computer case from T&C surf
Purpose: It’s a brand, that T&C sells, and most locals, have an item of this brand
Audience: The store itself may attract locals or those who like to surf/ go to the beach.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
EL-S Domain: Pearlridge Center Uptown
Purpose: It’s a local owned store, and the owner makes these Hawaiian designs herself.
Audience: Mostly attracts tourists as well as lots of locals as well and mostly Japanese people.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
EL-S Domain : Pearlridge Downtown Longs Drugs
Purpose: Ali’i means chief, this is just another delicious snack that lots of people enjoy
Audience: Those who shop and decide that they want something they want to snack on and decide on a local treat.