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Pin 46079 United States Honolulu
Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
EL-S Checkup #2 : Hawaiian is being used on the sign. The words are big and colored, and have a floral design on it. I think it’s big like that as just a reminder to workers of the airport. The audience would be the general public such as workers or people entering the airport. The domain as I said is the airport. The message is “aloha ‘oe” which means I love you in Hawaiian I believe. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46080 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
EL-S Checkip #2 : Languages used on this sign is English and Hawaiian. Languages presented all in the same way except Kokua is underlined. I think to emphasize kokua. The audience is general public. The domain is the airport. The sign is telling people we need your help. The sign is here to just let people know we need your help, it could be talking about anything. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46081 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
EL-S Check up #2 : Hawaiian and English are being used. The Hawaiian words are bigger than the English words. I think it’s to let people know what the survey is named. The audience is probably people coming in from the mainland to talk about their flight experience. The domain is work. The sign is trying to get people engage into a survey. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46082 United States Pearl City
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
EL-S Checkup #2 : Pidgin is being used. All of the fonts are mostly the same size. The audience is for those who are grocery shopping. The domain is a grocery store. The sign is telling the people what kind of food that is being sold to them for what price. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46083 United States Aiea
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
EL-S Check up #2: Pidgin is being used on the card. All of the words are the same font and same size. The audience is those who are thinking of getting a family or friend a card for celebration. The domain is the general public. The card is just telling you some jokes, like you act crazy or shake your butt. Pidgin is used here to add topical humor. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46084 Rumänien București
Română (Romanian)
Revolution, 1989
Pin 46085 ʻAmelika Hui Pū ʻIa Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46086 ʻAmelika Hui Pū ʻIa Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46093 United States Burlington
English (English) Español (Spanish)
The fading of red color and text from the Spanish sign results in a peculiar juxtaposition.
Pin 46094 Deutschland Schwerin
Deutsch (German) Français (French) Plattdüütsch (Low German)
#Temporär #Spielplanwerbung @Fußgängerzone %2021
Pin 46095 Deutschland Schwerin
Deutsch (German) Plattdüütsch (Low German)
#Namensschild @Arztpraxis
Pin 46133 Deutschland Berlin
Deutsch (German)
Pin 46134 Germany Berlin
Deutsch (German)
Pin 46135 Germany Berlin
Deutsch (German) English (English)
Pin 46141 United States Honolulu
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
here pidgin is used by the Jawaiian band to relate more to the people Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46142 United States Honolulu
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
it's funny Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46143 United States
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Hensel Phelps is a local construction company - KA Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46144 United States Kaneohe
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
it's local cards with local humor to appeal to a local audience Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46145 ʻAmelika Hui Pū ʻIa Honolulu
English (English) 日本語 (Japanese)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46150 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
The domain in this photo relates to education. The Hawaiian in this serves as a title to the book and relates to expedition. The intended audience is for those who want to learn more about the history of the british expedition to Hawaii. It is printed on a hardcover book. The meaning of Hokuloa means “great star” and this possibly relates to how Hawaiians navigate which is by wayfinding. - CQ