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United States
The domain in this photo is education. The Hawaiian in this case acts as a title of the book and the subtitle “divine Hawaiian women” also helps to explain what book is about. This book is about incredible Hawaiian ladies that have made a mark in history. The intended audience is those who want to learn more about Hawaiian history and especially the women in Hawaiian history. It is printed on a hardcover book. The implied message is to educate those about the Hawaiian women who have been influential. - CQ
United States
The domain in this photo is education. The Hawaiian in this case serves as the title of the book. The subtitle “Hawaiian proverbs” is a literal translation of its title Olelo No'eau. The intended audience is those wanting to learn more about the Hawaiian language and its culture. It is printed on a paper cover for the hardcover book. The implied message is that this book contains Hawaiian proverbs and idioms to give more insight on the culture and language. - CQ
United States
The domain in this picture is education. The pidgin in this photo is used to give an idea of what this book is about which we can infer that someone is instead of talking about their “native tongue” language they are talking about their “sista tongue” language or their 2nd language or a language that comes close to their native tongue. The intended audience could be those who want to learn more about Pidgin or to relate those who grew up with the pidgin language. This book is a poetry book that showcases many of the author’s experiences growing up with Pidgin. It is printed on paper. The implied message to show more literary sources of Pidgin and showcases experiences growing up with Pidgin. - CQ
United States
The domain in this picture is education. The Pidgin in this photo serves as the title of the book. The phrase “pau hana” means to be finished with work and the work in this case is working on plantation farms. When it comes to Hawaii, there is a lot of history relating to the plantation life which is what this book is about. The intended audience is those who want to learn more about the plantation life on Hawaii. It is printed on paper of the book. - CQ
United States
The domain in this photo is education. the Pidgin in this photo is “da” which means “the” in English. The pidgin acts as a title for the book. This book is about pidgin short stories. The implied message is that these are DA pidgin short stories and could imply that they are entertaining. The intended audience is those who want to learn more about Pidgin and read more about it. It is printed on a book. - CQ
United States
Domain: Vinyl greeting mat outside a retail location
Purpose: Reminder to spread a positive message, and not germs
Audience: Store patrons
Printed on: Laminated 6"x3' vinyl mat
implied message: Spreading aloha is a common expression to share positive kinship with others, so as not to spread infectious diseases during a global pandemic
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
The domain is for education and for religious purposes. The pidgin in this case is the whole phrase “Da Jesus Book” as it is worded in Pidgin grammar. Based on the title, this book is a pidgin translation of the bible. The intended audience is to reach out to those who understand pidgin who want to read the bible thus why it is in Pidgin. It is printed on a book. The implied message is that really anyone can access the bible and is accessible. - CQ
United States
The sign in the picture has Pidgin and English, it’s on a wooden sign outside a restaurant to communicate to the patrons to have patience waiting to be seated.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
The sign has hawaiian and English on it. Showing off Duke Kahanamoku, it’s more of a tourist commodity that’s more for someone to use as decoration rather than informational.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
This is a store sign, permanent fixture, advertising a jewelry store, Na Hoku means stars, it’s a more local staple that’s been around for a while (since 1924) both for tourists and locals.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
This is an example of Pidgin. It’s on a bag being sold so it’s more a commodity. I’d associate the brand Da Kine more with locals over tourists so it caters more to them. Though is accessible to both
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
This is an example of Hawaiian. Ho’Āla meaning to awaken, rise up. It’s a sign advertising a spa so it’s more neutral in advertising to both tourists and locals.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
This has English, Hawaiian, and Pidgin. It’s a mock up surf report at Ala Moana Bowls which is a local spot that’s named with its Pidgin. It was outside of a clothing store so it’s probably more for tourists but has a touch of local flavor in the writing to make it more neutral.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
This would be an example of Hawaiian. It’s pretty neutral on being for both locals and tourists mainly because it’s in Longs. It uses Keiki to communicate to both that it’s for kids and has nice fun designs that could be appealing to either side.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
This is an example of Pidgin and Hawaiian. With Huli and being a cooking style. And Mele Kalikimaka being merry Christmas in Hawaiian. While fiyah is spelt in the Pidgin style and the whole of the shirt being a more local oriented design.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
Image of Rooster speaking pidgin 2 things known in Hawaii being displayed. “Eh brah” meaning can be used like saying Eh brah no worries. LM
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
Showing the beauty/teaching about Hawaii wildlife as well as hoping to protect them. Message can be for locals and tourist as well because some English translation in certain parts can be found on other images. LM
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
Poster at the doctors office. Meant to explain being safe around children if you in fact smoke and the consequences you may receive as a result. I would say it be more for locals because people whom live and drive here on the daily are most likely to see it. LM
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
N.L Has the pidgin word shaka on the bottom left of the windows.
United States
N.L Has the Hawaiian word Ko Olina