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Pin 46423 Suisse Basel
Deutsch (German)
Pin 46424 Suisse Basel
Deutsch (German) English (English)
Pin 46425 Suisse Basel
English (English)
Pin 46426 Suisse Basel
Deutsch (German) English (English) Español (Spanish)
Pin 46427 Suisse Basel
Deutsch (German)
Pin 46428 Suisse Basel
Deutsch (German)
Pin 46429 Suisse Basel
Deutsch (German)
Pin 46430 Suisse Basel
Deutsch (German)
Pin 46431 Suisse Basel
Deutsch (German)
Pin 46432 Suisse Basel
Deutsch (German) English (English) Français (French)
Pin 46433 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46434 United States Pearl City
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Here we see Pidgin being used on an advertisement inviting people to create music for a future party or event. This sign was located along a busy road and sometimes it’s difficult for drivers to actually read the sign. The Pidgin being used here is in large font so as to attract the locals on their commute. As this is a local community, it seems appropriate to use Pidgin. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46435 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
The domain in this photo is novelty. This is a get well greeting card. Pidgin is used throughout the phrase like “you no need”, “dis” and “stay from”. A direct translation of this phrase would be “you don’t need to ask who this card is from”. The intended audience in this case is towards the locals of Hawaii. This is printed probably on card stock. The Pidgin in this case is to connect locals to this greeting card to make them want to buy it. - CQ Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46436 Österreich Salzburg
English (English)
authorized expressive bottom-up writing mobile
@Salzburg Ruperti
Pin 46437 Luxembourg Mersch
English (English) Français (French)
Pin 46438 Luxembourg Mersch
Deutsch (German) Français (French)
Pin 46439 Deutschland Berlin
Deutsch (German)
Schöne DDR-Piktogramme aus dem Palast der Republik
Pin 46440 Deutschland Berlin
English (English)
So eine einfache Idee, so eine massive Wirkung!
Pin 46441 Deutschland Berlin
Deutsch (German)
In Berlin liegt das oberste Stockwerk ganz unten .
Pin 46442 Deutschland Berlin
Deutsch (German)
Karl Lagerfeld abgewandelt…