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United States
Here we see Pidgin being used in a sign in a retail clothing store to educate probably tourists about where the beaches are and probably some locals who are not aware of where all the beaches are in Hawaii. This is accompanied by a drawing of a hula dancer which I’m not sure what the associated of hula and beaches are. The design is also drawn with a blackboard and chalk looking design to reinforce the education purpose of the sign.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
- medium: The sign is printed on a building located at Ward Village.
- domain: The context of the sign is that it is a dry cleaners that also washes and folds your clothes for you, making it aloha fresh.
- audience: The sign is intended for people who are passing by the area. It is intended for nonlocals and locals.
- function: The sign is trying to inform people that there is a dry cleaners located there in Ward Village.
- language: The language that is dominant on this sign is English, “Dry Cleaners” with a little Hawaiian, “Aloha”.
The word “aloha” means “hello, goodbye, love” in Hawaiian.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
This s
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
- medium: The sign is printed on a bottle of seasoning.
- domain: The context of this sign is that it is a seasoning with smoky rub in it (smoked paprika).
- audience: This sign is intended for the public in general. Anyone who is in the store passing this seasoning or buying it. Intended for local and nonlocal.
- function: This sign is trying to tell you that it is made in Hawai’i as it says at the top “aloha from Hawai’i”.
- language: The language that is dominant on this sign is Pidgin or HWC with some Hawaiian and English.
The phrase “da kine” means “the kind” when it is roughly translated and it is similar to the Pidgin expression “any kine” which means “any kind”. It is usually used when you can’t put your finger on what you’re trying to say. For example, “Um…da kine, he went to the grocery store already.”, “She wen go mess up my da kine.”, “He’s so da kine.”
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
- medium: The sign is printed on a light up sign above the restaurant.
- domain: The context of this sign is that Griddle N Grindz is a Korean BBQ restaurant that serves plate lunches.
- audience: This sign is intended for people who are passing through the area, for locals and nonlocals.
- function: The sign is trying to inform people about the restaurant as they pass by and catch their attention enough to make them want to try their food.
- language: The language that is dominant on this sign is Pidgin or HWC, “Grindz” with a little English, “Griddle”.
The word “grindz” is translated to “food” in Pidgin.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
- medium: The sign is printed on a piece of cloth on the front of a building.
- domain: The context of the sign is that Poke by the Pound is a fresh poke and seafood market.
- audience: This sign is intended for people who are passing by this place and might not see the smaller sign that is behind the girl’s helmet in this photo. This sign is intended for locals and nonlocals.
- function: The sign is trying to inform people about the seafood market and get them intrigued in trying the poke.
- language: The language that is dominant on this sign is English, “by the pound” with a little Pidgin, “poke”.
The word “poke” can be a Pidgin term that means to slice, or cut, wood or fish into crosswise pieces and is often used to describe sliced, or cubed, fish that is ready for consumption.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
“EH, sticks on whatevahs” means “it sticks on whatever (anything)”. It sounds authentic but is more aimed at tourists, so it is synthetic.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
An unusual site in Hawaii, child jacuzzi
United States
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
GM EXTRA CREDIT- I took this photo on the bus passing by going to Ala Moana mall. This is a beautiful moral stating “greetings aloha from Waikiki” which I would assume that someone local painted because they added quite a lot of detail ( even in the letters they added all the popular places/things in general around Waikiki). I bet lots of tourists love this moral to take pictures and to post on social media.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
GM EXTRA CREDIT This aloha sign was in whole foods - in the food/deli area. I'm not quite sure why they have the word aloha just kind of floading in the deli because it doesn't really correlate to anything. This makes me think about how the word aloha is overused and that they just put it anywhere and everywhere.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
The domain is a public sign advertising the student counselling services here at UH manoa. It is intended for students, which include both locals and non locals. -AB
United States
GM EXTRA CREDIT- This poster was in one of the freshman towers. The poster says Ka Papa Lo’I ‘O Kānewai - on one of the pages of the history, it states that it is piko for Hawaiian knowledge at the University of Hawaii at Manoa sitting at the bottom of the slopes of Wa’ahila. I believe that they were trying to educate us students about the topic and just made this posted to get more information out about it!
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
GM EXTRA CREDIT I was passing and saw this which says Maluna A’e O na Lahui Apau Ke ola ke kanaka which means - I tried finding what it meant but I only found out that it might mean something about being UH’s the moto. It means “above all nations is humanity”. The UH website explained the meaning - there is a couple of motos that they explain. It was placed on a cement barrier/bench, it has been there for some time.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
(SP) (Check in #3) though a bit hard to get a picture of, this is a semi-permanent vinyl window sign on a building on the UH Manoa campus, in the domain of student life/education. It uses the Pidgin word Pau (end, all gone) alongside the English word violence to express their views of getting rid of violence. It is also a pun, because PAU is an acronym for the on-campus organization to whom this sign belongs to. It seems they used Pidgin here to help the organization feel connected to Local students and to the school, maybe to encourage students to feel closer to the organization and reach out if they need help. The Pidgin is in huge letters compared to the English to emphasize their goal (to end violence) and because it is the name of the organization.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
(SP)(check in #3) This photo has both Pidgin and Hawaiian in it, but I want to use it as a Pidgin photo. This is a photo of the common Pidgin greeting “howzit” permanently painted in the entrance way of a dormitory, in the domain of student life/education. Clearly this phrase was used to catch the attention and be understood by both Local students of students from out of state, since almost everyone is familiar with this phrase. It may have been used to make the dormitory feel more genuinely Hawaiian, and a more relaxing and easy-going place for students to live. It makes any student who walks in immediately feel like they are being greeted by a friend.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
SU: Check up #2
- What languages are used on the sign?: The language that is used on this sign is Hawaiian.
- How are the languages presented?:
The word “Hele” is presented in big font in all capital letters in the color white. It is presented but because it is the name of the gas station.
- Who is the audience?:
The audience is is for the general public but I think it was mainly for locals.
- What is the domain?:
The domain is at a workplace (gas station).
- What is the sign trying to tell people?:
The word “Hele” means go in Hawaiian. So I think the gas station is named “Hele” because people go there to get gas so that they can go and continue on with their journey.
- Why is Hawaiian being used here?:
Hawaiian is being used here because it is appropriate being on Hawaiian lands. It also catches the attention of the locals and nonlocals that drive past this sign.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
United States
(SP)(check in #3) this photo has both Pidgin and English in it, but I want to use it as a Pidgin photo. This is a non-permanent advertisement found in a city bus in Honolulu, in the domain of transportation/advertising. The brightest, most eye catching section of the ad is in Pidgin (talk story). The Pidgin, when combined with the Hawaiian word and topic of the ad, was clearly made for Locals who understand Pidgin/Hawaiian and have an interest in Hawaiian cultural activities. English is in smaller letters with the instructions to access these stories, so that anyone, Local or non-local, will be able to access them. The topic of this poster is about working passionately to keep Hawaiian culture and story telling alive, hence the use of the Hawaiian word for triumph and the fiery red color.
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
ʻAmelika Hui Pū ʻIa
HK - A Maunakea ʻo Kalani. A song composed for Queen Emmaʻs 1881 when she visited the mountains of Hawaiʻi, because of her love for mountain climbing, hence why she was named Ke Aliʻi piʻi kuahiwi, the mountain climbing chiefess. This does fit the place where it's at. This is found at the International market down in Waikīkī. If you look at the elevatorʻs windows, the metaphor and meaning of the song of ascending match the purpose of the elevator. This is either on purpose or for design. Although not many people recognize this song right off the bat or its meaning, especially tourists. Do you think that this is a proper place for such a song, that honors Queen Emma and her love?
Multilingual Hawaiʻi