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Pin 34455 Germany Leipzig
Pin 34454 Luxemburg Buerschent
Lëtzebuergesch (Luxembourgish)
Pin 34453 Luxemburg Bourscheid
Français (French)
Pin 34452 台灣 桃園區
English (English) 普通话 (Chinese)
Pin 34451 Luxemburg Burscheid
Lëtzebuergesch (Luxembourgish)
Deen Text seet ALLES
Pin 34450 Luxemburg Schlënnermanescht
Lëtzebuergesch (Luxembourgish)
De Mënsch liewt vun der Erënnerung
Pin 34449 台灣 礁溪鄉
English (English) 普通话 (Chinese)
Pin 34448 Sverige Göteborg
English (English) Svenska (Swedish)
Pin 34447 台灣 秀林鄉
English (English) 普通话 (Chinese)
Pin 34446 台灣 吉安鄉
Français (French)
Bon Appétit Café in Hualien
Pin 34445 Taiwan Jiaoxi Township
English (English) 普通话 (Chinese)
The use of English and Chinese can be seen Showing Chinese being translated into English and also with the use of a star for image and symbolism
Pin 34444 Österreich Innere Stadt
English (English)
Pin 34443 台灣 白河區
普通话 (Chinese)
The first word means mountain, and the shape of the word like a mountain as well. The second world means scene in Chinese. Therefore the sign means you can eat cuisine of chicken here with a beautiful view.
Pin 34442 United States New York
English (English)
Pin 34441 Taiwan Jiaoxi Township
English (English) 普通话 (Chinese)
The name’s pronunciation is the same as the English Name
Pin 34440 Taiwan
普通话 (Chinese)
This is just a road mark
Pin 34438 Taiwan
普通话 (Chinese)
弋國美語 American Eagle Institution
Pin 34436 Taiwan Zhongshan District
English (English)
The Double V indicates the shape of the cone.
Pin 34434 United States New York
Pin 34431 Taiwan
喜互惠-surewell fresh super market - Chinese mean benefit each other, a little bit connected to English meaning (also similar pronunciation)