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Pin 118798 NMHouser United States New Brunswick
Español (Spanish)
Mexican Consulate, New Brunswick, NJ December 2024 $MultilingualNJ MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 117271 kvd United States New Brunswick
Español (Spanish)
Pin 119874 kvd United States New Brunswick
Español (Spanish)
Pin 119875 kvd United States New Brunswick
English (English)
Pin 118135 NMHouser United States New Brunswick
English (English) Magyar (Hungarian)
Hungarian Scout Home 66 Plum Street
Pin 118655 kcr United States New Brunswick
English (English) Nederlands (Dutch)
Submitted 12/18/24. Cemetery of the New (Dutch) Reformed Church. MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 118656 kcr United States New Brunswick
Submitted 12/18/24. Raritan is the Lenape name for the river. There are very few examples of Lenape words inscribed in the landscape although they were here before anyone else. MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 118657 kcr United States New Brunswick
Submitted 12/18/24. No words but.... MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 118659 kcr United States New Brunswick
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Submitted 12/18/24. This ripped down barricade tape interweaves English "caution" and Spanish "cuidado". This is an example of "authoritative" multilingual signage that has become "noise" in the landscape. MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 118660 kcr United States New Brunswick
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Submitted 12/18/24. One English sign, "Repair and maintenance of cars prohibited in parking area" is translated into Spanish in another sign by its side: "Prohibidó hacer reparaciones y mantenimiento de vehículos en la area de estacionamiento" (is this correct Spanish?). Farther away, one sign appears only in English: (something about the managment will not take responsibility for anything stolen out of cars parked in the lot). Who does managment presume to be the theives and who does maintenance on their cars? MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 118661 kcr United States New Brunswick
Ελληνικά (Greek) English (English)
Submitted 12/18/24. The Douglass campus motto (under the fir tree) is Σοφία και Σωφροσυνη, which means "Wisdom and Sobriety". The motto for all of Rutgers is in Latin. Both are considered languages of Western Enlightenment, but perhaps using the older Greek for the women's college was a claim to women's ability to go deep in their learning. MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 118662 kcr United States New Brunswick
Submitted 12/18/24. This photo of skateboarding and parking regulations in English and Spanish needs to be retaken. MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 118663 kcr United States New Brunswick
English (English) Nederlands (Dutch)
Submitted 12/18/24. George was British, and Throop I assume was Dutch, but this needs more research. MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 118664 kcr United States New Brunswick
العربية (Arabic) English (English)
Submitted 12/18/24. Clearly the patrons of this store want their food to be Halal حلال MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 118665 kcr United States New Brunswick
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Submitted 12/18/24. The photo is too blurry to investigate. MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 118666 kcr United States New Brunswick
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Submitted 12/18/24 Refugio City Church Bilingual services/servicios bilingues Sundays/Domingos Consider the equality of the two languages as they are represented here. MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 118667 kcr United States New Brunswick
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Submitted 12/18/24. Lots of English and Spanish to be deconstructed. MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 118668 kcr United States New Brunswick
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Submitted 12/18/24. "Aceptamos Tarjetas OTC" (we accept over-the-counter cards) in Spanish only. MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 118669 kcr United States New Brunswick
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Submitted 12/18/24. Mural with "nuestro cuerpo es nuestro templo" - "our body is our temple" on the wall of a health clinic. MultilingualNewJersey
Pin 118670 kcr United States New Brunswick
العربية (Arabic) English (English) 日本語 (Japanese)
Submitted 12/18/24. "Poké nagomi" is a restaurant serving bowls of raw fish over rice. "Poke" is a Hawaiian word meaning "to slice", and was used to refer to the pre-European practice of eating sliced raw fish, which transformed into the Japanes dish of sliced fish over rice (ポケ), now gone global (the accent on the anglicized spelling indicates that the word should be pronounced with two syllables). "Nagomi" (平和), meaning "peace", is the name of a Japanese philosophy for finding harmony, balance, and inner peace. On the glass window, there is also the standard "Halal" sign, written also in Arabic حلال. MultilingualNewJersey