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Pin 38979 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English) 日本語 (Japanese)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47171 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
AJR - Check In #3 Pidgin is being used in this makeshift street sign as you can see in this photo with the phrase “mo betta place”. The intended audience is most likely locals but can be considered on a wider scale and be aimed more towards anyone. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 38980 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47172 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
HC medium: Leather label of a pencil case message: "Dakine" is a simple placeholder word for describing any nondescript object in Pidgin implied audience: Students, local students how it relates to language rights: "Dakine" is a fashion brand that specializes in local surf culture and lifestyle, as their eponymous name is subsequently used as their message. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 44102 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
The domain is more personal and relates to people who are craving a Hawaii snack. The Pidgin in this case is the small yet visible “Da” before “Mini Pounder”. Da means the. The intended audience is for locals as this snack is most likely popular among locals. It is printed on plastic. The implied message is this snack is delicious. - CQ Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47174 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
AJR - Check In #3 This picture shows a an advertisement sign by Central Pacific Bank. The languages used in this sign are English and Pidgin with the word “Shaka” in large print while the rest of the English words are in much smaller print. With how large “Shaka” is compared to the rest of the words on the ad, it brings most of the focus to it while the rest of the ad acts as a background filler. The intended audience is anyone capable of speaking English since the ad is placed outside next to a major street Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 38983 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 44103 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
The domain is for the public and to promote this Hawaii snack. The purpose of this Pidgin is to lure in locals and to promote this product by saying that it is delicious. Ono means delicious. It is printed on paper. The implied message is that this Hawaii snack is a premium delicious lemon li-hing seeds. - CQ Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 38984 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
In the meat department in Foodland Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47176 United States Honolulu
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
AJR - Check In #3 This picture displays graffiti on a dumpster. In my understanding, the word “moke” refers to a male local of Hawaii, most often of Native Hawaiian descent, who partakes in activities such as fishing, BBQing, things of the like. The idea is that a “moke” is a true local of the islands. The intended audience can be considered to be anyone that sees this dumpster, however, with the message included it may be geared more towards locals who understand the meaning of the word Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 38985 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
In Foodland Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 44105 United States Honolulu
Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
JP This was taken at the farmers market in Kakaako Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47177 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
AJR - Check In #3 This picture was taken at a Times Supermarket. The intended audience is shop goers as the language used is both English and Pidgin Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 44106 United States Honolulu
Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
JP This is a communal marketplace in Honolulu Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 44107 United States Honolulu
Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
JP This iPhoto was taken at a kiosk stand in Waikiki Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47179 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
AJR - Check In #3 This picture shows an advertisement outside of a pet clinic. The word “Aloha” is in the largest print, grasping the attention of passerby’s while the rest of the print is in smaller fonts Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 38988 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47180 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
AJR - Check In #3 This picture shows the signage on a newer model of The Bus with a Hawaiian phrase being on the forefront. The use of Hawaiian on the bus is to promote more of a local claim on such a major form of transportation on the island Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 44109 United States Honolulu
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
I was going to get shaved ice and saw this sign while ordering. This sign indicates if you have no mask they will give you no service. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46157 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
HC Domain: Vinyl greeting mat outside a retail location Purpose: Reminder to spread a positive message, and not germs Audience: Store patrons Printed on: Laminated 6"x3' vinyl mat implied message: Spreading aloha is a common expression to share positive kinship with others, so as not to spread infectious diseases during a global pandemic Multilingual Hawaiʻi