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Pin 72991 United States Fort Worth
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Sandra N
Pin 10271 United States Tucson
Español (Spanish)
This is a mexican food restaurant named "Toma."Next to it is Ell Charro, which is another restaurant. Across the street is an empty parking lot. It is located in downtown Tucson. Frankie R.
Pin 11807 United States Tucson
English (English) Español (Spanish)
This is sign in front of a gas station and it is written in English and Spanish. Emerson L
Pin 34079 United States Berwyn
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Pin 42527 United States Honolulu
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Domain is an advertisement, and the audience is pidgin speakers - AB
Pin 47135 United States Kaneohe
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
SU: Check Up #3 - What languages are used on the sign?: The languages that are used on the sign are Hawai’i Creole or Pidgin and English. - How is the language presented?: The Pidgin is presented in skinny, yellow letters and the English is presented in smaller letters in a variety of colors that are placed in different areas of the photo. - Who is the audience?: The audience is the general public, but would probably be more directed towards locals. - What is the domain?: The domain is on an example card for a T-shirt in the T&C store at Windward Mall. - What is the sign telling people?: The phrase “kanak attack” is the feeling of intense laziness you get from eating too much. The plate shown in the photo of the Katsu chicken, Mac salad, 2 scoops of rice, meat with soy sauce and the Hawaiian Style drink is a very popular plate on the island and normally after eating this big of a meal people feel so tired and lethargic they they just want to knock out. Which is why the shirt says “Home of the kanak attack”. - Why is Pidgin/Hawaiian being used here?: Pidgin is being used here because it is an entertaining way to make a shirt. By wearing this shirt, it would show that you’re a proud local since Pidgin is like a signature in Hawai’i and so is the food shown. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 50719 United States Colorado Springs
Español (Spanish)
Valencia and South Carefree Circle, Colorado Springs Colorado Spanish
Pin 66080 United States Stanford
English (English) 日本語 (Japanese) Español (Spanish) 普通话 (Chinese)
Pin 7456 United States Arlington
English (English)
Pin 50720 United States Colorado Springs
Español (Spanish)
Oro Blanco and South Carefree, Colorado Springs Colorado Spanish
Pin 66081 United States Brownsville
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Letreros en el RGV
Pin 7457 United States Arlington
English (English)
Pin 72993 United States Columbia Station
English (English)
Pin 10273 United States Tucson
Tanias tiene muy bueno come! Tiene burritos, sopas, y mas! James Q
Pin 11809 United States Tucson
Español (Spanish)
Amber J : this is a photo of a care center I spotted on my way to a friend’s house. I always wonder what it translated to
Pin 7458 United States Arlington
English (English)
Pin 11810 United States Tucson
Español (Spanish)
Calle Gran Desierto es una calle sur de Tucson que es muy tranquillo y en un barrio. -Dante Z.
Pin 32802 United States Lawrence
Spanish, Arabic
Pin 5411 United States Washington
English (English)
Window of my favorite restaurant, Teaism.
Pin 7459 United States Arlington
English (English)