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Pin 10310 United States Tucson
English (English) Español (Spanish)
A lovely Spanish restaurant with delicious food
Pin 15686 United States Tucson
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Pin 95814 United States Sacramento
English (English)
Pin 44102 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
The domain is more personal and relates to people who are craving a Hawaii snack. The Pidgin in this case is the small yet visible “Da” before “Mini Pounder”. Da means the. The intended audience is for locals as this snack is most likely popular among locals. It is printed on plastic. The implied message is this snack is delicious. - CQ Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46150 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
The domain in this photo relates to education. The Hawaiian in this serves as a title to the book and relates to expedition. The intended audience is for those who want to learn more about the history of the british expedition to Hawaii. It is printed on a hardcover book. The meaning of Hokuloa means “great star” and this possibly relates to how Hawaiians navigate which is by wayfinding. - CQ
Pin 47174 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
AJR - Check In #3 This picture shows a an advertisement sign by Central Pacific Bank. The languages used in this sign are English and Pidgin with the word “Shaka” in large print while the rest of the English words are in much smaller print. With how large “Shaka” is compared to the rest of the words on the ad, it brings most of the focus to it while the rest of the ad acts as a background filler. The intended audience is anyone capable of speaking English since the ad is placed outside next to a major street Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 65863 United States Edinburg
English (English) Español (Spanish)
no drinking Letreros en el RGV
Pin 6727 United States Westville
English (English)
Pin 15687 United States Tucson
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Kylie E. Este signo es Tanque Verde. Tanque Verde en inglès es “green tank”.
Pin 26183 United States Tucson
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Felíz Paseos Parque. El parque del desierto de Sonora es hermosa, en las montañas de Tucson. Muchos animales y la plantas del desierto están presente. -Jesenia SF
Pin 95815 United States Sacramento
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Sign in city bus
Pin 38983 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 44103 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
The domain is for the public and to promote this Hawaii snack. The purpose of this Pidgin is to lure in locals and to promote this product by saying that it is delicious. Ono means delicious. It is printed on paper. The implied message is that this Hawaii snack is a premium delicious lemon li-hing seeds. - CQ Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 46151 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
The domain in this photo is education. The Hawaiian in this case acts as a title of the book and the subtitle “divine Hawaiian women” also helps to explain what book is about. This book is about incredible Hawaiian ladies that have made a mark in history. The intended audience is those who want to learn more about Hawaiian history and especially the women in Hawaiian history. It is printed on a hardcover book. The implied message is to educate those about the Hawaiian women who have been influential. - CQ
Pin 47175 United States Kailua
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
HC medium: Pidgin Language Visual Dictionary print: Paperback book message: "Pidgin to da max"- "Definitive Pidgin" translated to HWC implied audience: Locals, Tourists how it relates to language rights: "Pidgin to da Max" is the definitive guide to learning pidgin terms and vocabulary in Hawaii, as of 1983. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 6728 United States Westville
English (English)
caffe: local spelling of café
Pin 74824 United States Lihue
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Posted above Kauai high schools stickers in a Ben Franklin and Ace store
Pin 15688 United States Tucson
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Paseo Dorado Street principal cruce son Columbus y 22nd. Se trata de quince minutos de la escuela. Arianna Sanchez
Pin 26184 United States Tucson
English (English) Español (Spanish)
En la photo es un signo con el nombre del apartamento. El apartamento, Summit Vista, es situado en los calles llamado "camino de oeste" y "linda vista". Madison R.
Pin 95816 United States Sacramento
English (English)