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Pin 7364 United States Chicago
العربية (Arabic) English (English)
Pin 11716 United States Tucson
Español (Spanish)
El edificio es un negocio para fiestas. La umbicacion de este negocio es Sur de Tucson.
Pin 24772 United States Tucson
English (English) Español (Spanish)
El edificio tiene el nombre del restarurante y una descripcíon de la comida servida. -Savannah T.
Pin 47300 United States Honolulu
Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
GM EXTRA CREDIT- I took this photo on the bus passing by going to Ala Moana mall. This is a beautiful moral stating “greetings aloha from Waikiki” which I would assume that someone local painted because they added quite a lot of detail ( even in the letters they added all the popular places/things in general around Waikiki). I bet lots of tourists love this moral to take pictures and to post on social media. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 65220 United States Edinburg
English (English) Español (Spanish)
Photo taken in Harbor Freight, Edinburg Texas. The English side of the poster faces the entrance of the store. Letreros en el RGV
Pin 3269 United States Benicia
English (English)
Pin 6341 United States Chicago
English (English)
advertising on side of trash can
Pin 7365 United States Chicago
English (English)
Pin 11717 United States Tucson
English (English) Español (Spanish)
This picture features a childcare facility. Located near A mountain. Charlie H
Pin 24773 United States Tucson
Español (Spanish)
Esta foto fue tomada de una puerta en un edificio de suministros medicos.-Israel M
Pin 43973 United States Grove City
English (English)
Pin 47301 United States Honolulu
Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
GM EXTRA CREDIT This aloha sign was in whole foods - in the food/deli area. I'm not quite sure why they have the word aloha just kind of floading in the deli because it doesn't really correlate to anything. This makes me think about how the word aloha is overused and that they just put it anywhere and everywhere. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 65221 United States McAllen
English (English)
Pin 3270 United States Benicia
English (English)
Pin 6342 United States Chicago
English (English)
official city street signs
Pin 6598 United States Chrisman
English (English)
Pin 7366 United States Chicago
English (English)
Pin 11718 United States Tucson
English (English) Español (Spanish)
El edificio es un negocio para fiestas. La umbicacion de este negocio es Sur de Tucson. -Isabel F.
Pin 17606 United States Tucson
Español (Spanish)
La Encantada está rodeado de tiendas outlets. El letrero significa La Encantada. Ta’Nya T.
Pin 24774 United States Tucson
Español (Spanish)
En la posicíon, La Hacienda d’Mexico miró mucho religioso. Allí muchos estatuas de Santos