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Pin 93787 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German) English (English) Italiano (Italian)
authorized commercial bottom-up linguistic fragmentary color paper printed poster mobile trilingual standard image-text
Pin 607 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German)
Pin 93791 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German)
authorized commercial operative bottom-up linguistic writing archival static monolingual image-text complete sign place
Pin 93792 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German) Italiano (Italian)
authorized commercial operative bottom-up linguistic mixing color writing archival static permanent bilingual standard complete image-text sign place
Pin 93793 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German) Italiano (Italian)
authorized commercial operative bottom-up linguistic mixing color writing archival static permanent bilingual standard complete image-text sign place
Pin 93794 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German) Italiano (Italian) Español (Spanish)
authorized commercial operative bottom-up chalk mixing handwritten writing archival mobile static ephemeral permanent trilingual standard image-text board sign window place
Ci sono altre foto di cartelli esterni con menu e piatti del giorno. SB_LL_23
Pin 867 Germany Saarbrücken
Italiano (Italian)
Banner over a restaurant
Pin 93795 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German) Italiano (Italian)
authorized commercial operative bottom-up linguistic complementary mixing color positioning printed plastic poster window writing archival static permanent bilingual standard image-text complete poster sign place
Ci sono altre foto di poster esterni con scritte in tedesco e in italiano, rimandi culturali a film e a canzoni. SB_LL_23
Pin 868 Germany Saarbrücken
English (English)
Graffiti on the parking lot side of a building
Pin 93796 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German) English (English) Italiano (Italian)
authorized commercial operative bottom-up linguistic mixing color window writing static ephemeral monolingual permanent bilingual trilingual standard complete image-text poster sign window place
Pin 93797 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German) Italiano (Italian)
authorized commercial operative bottom-up linguistic mixing color handwritten writing archival static ephemeral permanent bilingual standard image-text sign place
Pin 93798 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German) Italiano (Italian)
authorized commercial operative bottom-up linguistic mixing color archival static permanent bilingual standard image-text complete sign place
Al Diskontopassage c'è ancora la vecchia sede proprio di fronte alla vecchia di cui sono presenti delle foto. SB_LL_23
Pin 93799 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German) Italiano (Italian)
authorized commercial operative bottom-up linguistic mixing color writing archival static permanent bilingual standard complete image-text sign place
Pin 93800 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German) English (English) Italiano (Italian)
authorized commercial operative bottom-up linguistic mixing stand window archival static permanent trilingual standard complete image-text sign place
Pin 93801 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German) Italiano (Italian)
authorized commercial operative bottom-up linguistic fragmentary archival permanent bilingual standard image-text complete sign place
Pin 93802 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German) Italiano (Italian)
authorized commercial operative bottom-up linguistic mixing color window writing archival static permanent bilingual standard image-text sign window place
Pin 2667 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German)
Pin 93803 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German) Italiano (Italian)
authorized commercial operative bottom-up linguistic mixing color window writing archival static ephemeral permanent bilingual standard image-text sign window place
Pin 2668 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Lingua latina (Latin)
Pin 93804 Deutschland Saarbrücken
Deutsch (German) English (English) Italiano (Italian)
authorized commercial operative bottom-up linguistic mixing color writing archival static permanent trilingual standard complete image-text sign place