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Pin 43382 United States Honolulu
Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
SK Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 43894 United States Honolulu
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
EL-S Domain: Computer case from T&C surf Purpose: It’s a brand, that T&C sells, and most locals, have an item of this brand Audience: The store itself may attract locals or those who like to surf/ go to the beach. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 51318 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
Sign at the end of the 2022 hapalua half marathon instructing runners to “please Kokua” so that all runners can get a treat at the end. It thanks participants with mahalo. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 24951 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai‘i (Hawaiian) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
This is a shirt with a Shaka logo on it and it says Howzit brah (hwc). Howzit also means “how is it?” in English. Brah is short for “braddah” which means “brother” in English. This is symbolic-authentic. R.N. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 39031 United States Honolulu
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 39032 United States Honolulu
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 39033 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47225 United States Honolulu
Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
GM - I saw this sign at a Starbucks. This locations Starbucks manager was leaving and they made some notes for him. They used the word ke’eaumoku which was the name of the location of the Starbucks. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 39034 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47226 United States Honolulu
Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
GM - I saw this while walking down to Waikiki. The intended audience is tourist / visitors. It had drink Aloha all over the posters with Pepsi on it. Just because it has a Aloha on it, I feel like it could attract visitors to drink the “aloha” Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 39035 United States Honolulu
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47227 United States Honolulu
Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
GM - this was in one of the dorm towers. This poster is trying to educate students at UH with the Hawaiian language. Red: ‘Ula’Ula Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 39036 United States Honolulu
English (English) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47228 United States Honolulu
Hawai‘i (Hawaiian)
GM - Ono seafood. Ono usually means delicious. I’ve heard it’s a great seafood restaurant - very popular! Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 39037 United States Honolulu
Hawai‘i (Hawaiian) Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47229 United States Honolulu
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
GM - I was at Whole Foods and this was a persons reusable grocery bag. Any kine stuff meaning all kinds of. Good bag for the grocery store Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 39038 United States Honolulu
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47230 United States Honolulu
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
GM - This was for an event space. They used the word da room which means the room. They may have used this to attract more people to look at their place. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47231 United States Honolulu
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
GM- I saw this card at Ala Moana target. The targeted audience is probably locals but maybe even tourist because it is in Ala Moana which is very packed with tourist. They used pidgin in the comic an example being “what is dat smell”. Multilingual Hawaiʻi
Pin 47232 United States Honolulu
Hawai'i Creole (Hawaiian Creole English)
GM - This card was at the Ala Moana target. This card says “Chee hoo” which is similar to woohoo - when you are celebrating or if something is exciting. For this card / I believe it was for a birthday. Multilingual Hawaiʻi