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Pin 6030 Luxembourg Differdange
Deutsch (German) Français (French)
Pin 6027 Austria Wien
Deutsch (German) English (English)
Pin 6026 Austria Wien
Deutsch (German)
Pin 6025 Austria Wien
Deutsch (German)
Pin 6024 Austria Wien
Deutsch (German)
Pin 6023 Austria Wien
Deutsch (German) English (English)
Pin 6022 Austria Wien
Deutsch (German) English (English)
Pin 6021 Austria Wien
Deutsch (German)
Pin 6020 Germany Hamburg
Deutsch (German) Plattdüütsch (Low German)
Pin 6018 United Kingdom London
English (English)
Who knew that 'German' kebabs were a branding?!
Pin 6017 United Kingdom London
Filipino (Filipino)
Handwritten note in Filipino in the Kamayan restaurant advertising a flat for rent. Interesting it should be monolingual, limiting the addressees.
Pin 6016 United Kingdom London
English (English) Filipino (Filipino)
This is a Filipino restaurant and there is a small handwritten sign in Filipino in the window.
Pin 6015 United Kingdom London
English (English) 普通话 (Chinese)
Interesting combination of the original sign and the new bilingual awning.
Pin 6014 United Kingdom London
العربية (Arabic) English (English)
Kilburn High Road was once mainly Irish but now is very multicultural.
Pin 6013 United Kingdom London
English (English)
This cafe is in what was a predominantly Irish area of London, Kilburn, indexed here by the four-leafed clover. The menu used to be very traditional Irish fare but now more 'mainland' European, as are the staff.
Pin 6012 Belgium Aubange
Deutsch (German) English (English) Français (French)
Pin 6011 Luxembourg Luxembourg
English (English) Français (French)
Pin 6010 Luxembourg Luxembourg
English (English) Français (French)
Pin 6009 Luxembourg Luxembourg
Français (French)
Pin 6008 Luxembourg Luxembourg
Français (French) Lëtzebuergesch (Luxembourgish)
spiel in schrift mit ipunkt und trema